Make your sad times a little easier to bear p2

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Not long after the sun had set, and the warm glow of the summer had faded from the air to leave a pleasantly chilled evening purple hue, with what light was left in the world Ferdinand and Nicolo ventured into the pine forest. Their dragons trailing behind them.
It was a well trodden path by now, one the Juno and Stardrop new well. Only Juno charged ahead though, with Tulio hesitantly bringing up the rear. Since the two had met, their relationship had been something of an uncle and nephew type thing. Tulio did practically help raise, and even with his lack of coordination sometimes, his gentleness and affection was palpable to the riders. Juno loved him like a father, and the feeling was definitely mutual. 
Nico and Ferdi held hands as they walked, the former's larger practically engulfing Ferdi's leaner, more nimble fingers. Both working hands with their callouses and small scars, but completely different fields. It made Ferdi smile to think about little things like that. 
He really hadn't ever felt closer to another human being then he did with the Irrit traveller. It had been an instant thing for him, and Nico had expressed somewhat similar things in the past, and he believed them. Even if it had all started as a one night stand. 
Ferdi leaned his head into Nico's shoulder, and hugged his arm a little with his free one, half closing his eyes. 
"I hope he agrees this time..." he murmured. "It was a struggle to get him to bond to one person, let alone share it with another..."
"I'm sure he'll be fine. You know your feelings are true, and I do as well. This time we have all the dragons too, not just Juno... it should go a lot better then it did last time."
"Last time it went... okay, I guess. What if it goes worse?"
"It wont" Nico reassured. Squeezing his hand. "I'm not sure why such an old dragon would want to bond in the first place, but it must be fate. That is what the texts say, anyway"
"Yeah, well, all he says about why he bonded to me over Mr Grimshaw was because he thought I was brave..." Ferdinand sighed. "I was just under orders too... though, their faces when he flew in like a warship was a little funny" he snickered. 
Nico laughed too. A deeper, slightly louder sound then Ferdi's soft snorting. 
"Yes! When the guard tower wobbled, I thought Alexander was going to have a heartattack" he chuckled. 
Ferdi  giggled again, and nodded. Seeing any form of emotion on the usually stoic, cruel man's face was worth it. 
The clearing where Fiend had made his home was a wide, rounded space with shelter from the elements in the form of the knitted together canopy above. The trees had shifted from the regular pines to something more jungle-like, and while it was like nothing he was ever used to before, and he found himself missing his cave every day, with his nice warm onyx bed and the rolling lava fields heating the stones to perfection, he was glad he was here. Looking through some of Ferdi's every day tasks in his memories was awful enough, but hearing it first hand just made flame bubble from his nostrils. 
He really had his work cut out for him here. But he had to be careful. Knowing that humans, while small, could pack a lethal punch to the incautious dragon, and his death would certainly mean his charge's death as well as the other dragons who had bonded to him. It was a lot to consider.
Although, hearing the two he was thinking of approaching finally, it made him think on the new changed feelings he was sensing. He snorted smoke from his bone snout, and started to rise to meet them, his enormous spined neck flexing as his wings stretched their stiffness away. 
"I see you have changed your tune, young one" he rumbled. "You seek my approval a second time."
Ferdi jumped a bit, still not used to his grizzly visage, and while Nico was a little concerned with his body language, he held his ground.
Tulio and Juno had already made it to the elder dragon, and were sniffing around some scraps he had provided to them while they all waited for the humans to catch up. 
"I do seek it, Fiend... will you do me the honour of awarding it to me? I will do anything you ask of me, if it means I can cherish Ferdinand the way I would like to"
Fiend considered the pair of them for a long, deep moment, and Ferdi could feel the pressure of his scrutiny across their bond. Knowing he was searching for any flicker of doubt or worry. 
When he found none, his head lifted just slightly in his only show of how surprised he was, before slowly, he settled. 
With a grunt. He nodded. 
"Just remember this, Nicolo of the Irrit tribes. It is not just his life you will hold in your hands, but mine and these other hatchlings as well. Are you prepared for that duty?"
"I was ready he moment I met him" Nicolo answered easily. Making Ferdi catch his breath, and lean into his side even further. Affectionate. 
Fiend seemed almost amused. Before he sighed, and relaxed back to the ground. At least the soaring peaks of the nearby volcano settled his nerves. He missed living near flames, and a volcano, as dark and rich brown as the sooty earth back home, was a comfort to a fire dragon like himself. He could not remember its name, though... he must talk to more of the local dragons. 
"... As you wish. You may have my blessing." The dragon relented. 
Nicolo barely had a moment to grin and turn to his lover, before the smaller man's arms were around his neck, and his mouth was crushing against his own. Excitement and love in the movements. 
Rolling his many eyes, Fiend extended a wing to block them from view of the other dragons. 
He was too old for all this. 
Make your sad times a little easier to bear p2
1 ・ 0
In Displays, Courtships, and Bondings ・ By Zincwolf

Final part for the second bond 

Bonding to:
Prompt 1 Link:
Prompt 2 Link:
Prompt 3 Link: Not needed - event 
Terrain(s): Earth
Familiar Trackers: Love bird, Platypus
Buffs: Event location



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Submitted By ZincwolfView Favorites
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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