Trainer Job Promotion (II >III)

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Meeth narrowed her eyes as the one of the townsfolk continued to tell her of the dragon that had been wounded and talk was to capture it… a riderless, fierce beast that had alighted nearby and yet while it hadn't done anything to the town, it hadn't been friendly either.. And so some of the younger folk had decided that it had to be dealt with… to which the dragon had retaliated,  inflicting wounds and burns and avoiding the 'capture' that had been talked about. "It's a mess, I'm sure if they'd left it alone it would of moved on, we've had independent dragons before. But now its wounded, and we all know that any wounded beast is dangerous." Rathiel glanced over, wondering how his rider would react, he already knew she was planning to try to deal with the dragon. "I'll look into it." Meeth said softly, her calm demeaner reassuring the other gathered townsfolk. Climbing onto Rathiel's back she guided the dragon south, though not the most graceful of dragons on the ground, this traversing this way was good for him, strengthening muscles he wouldn't normally use.. All of which would help him when he finally got the hang of flight. 

Meeth spent the time travelling to the independent dragons last location contemplating what to do, for the most part it would depend on their temperament, it would be unlikely now to  simply retreat having been wounded and chased; which left the only option of subduing the dragon with strength.. That at lead would give her time to solve everything else. "when we get there Rathiel, don't interfere, that may antagonise the dragon more." The dragon flattened his crest, not too thrilled, but he'd obey… unless her life was in danger that was. 

They soon saw signs of the dragon, burnt ground and trees, churned soil, scattered weapons amidst the dry area, the day naturally warm...… and it wasn't long before they spotted the independent dragon. A dark pink, teeth bared in her anger as flames continued to dance around her, red, black and yellow underbelly plates pulsed with the dragons breath, her wings folded tight as blood dripped from them. She snarled at the other dragon and its rider, coming to her feet, though she blinked as the human dismounted and the dragon wandered off. 

"I don't wish to fight, but I need you to calm down.. "The riders voice was calm… 

Infernal hissed. "Oh ill calm down.. Once I've burned that town." She responded, perfectly capable of speaking the local tongue. 

"And if I best you?" 

"You think just because I'm wounded I'll be easy?" Inferno scoffed. Talons digging into the ground. When the rider shook her head she continued. "Fine.. If you can best me, I'll not burn the town down….."  With that she spat a ball of fire at the rider, the fire sped over the ground….. To the impressed whistle of the other dragon, who was off to one side, simply watching. His rider though, moved swiftly out of the way ignoring the blaze, and something white shot towards Inferno. The dragon reacted lunging to one side just as the sword vanished. Snarling she returned her attention to see the rider closing the space between them far quicker than Inferno would of guessed, the knowledge that this human was far more skilled than the others that had come before sinking in. 

Meeth focused on the dragon, though she'd thrown her sword at the independent dragon with intent, she'd always meant to recall it before it did any damage, the idea was to stop her from launching fireballs at her, though she knew that this close to a dragon could be just as dangerous. A claw came her way, her dodge meaning that it caught her cloak instead, but it gave her the time to point her sword at the dragons throat. "If you'd used fire, I wouldn't of been able to get close.." Meeth spoke between deep breaths, suddenly aware that the independent dragon was fairly young….

Inferno snarled at the words, every part of her wanting to tear the rider apart… but the sword at her throat meant they had the upper hand. "I yield." She spat out, slowly backing up. The sword vanished, but though the rider appeared to be defenceless, Inferno made no aggressive moves… other than the low growl in the back of her throat; she tensed when the other dragon waddled over but he gave her a wide berth, simply checking to make sure his rider was fine.

To say the next few days were tension ridden was an understatement, Meeth remained in the vicinity of the independent dragon, deterring those townsfolk who felt they had a score to settle with the fire dragon, and other than a few pointers for future combat situations (and the occasional sharing of prey if Rathiel brough something bigger back) they didn't interact much.  

For Inferno the rider made no sense, at all… but she couldn't argue that the human was skilled… and kept the other annoying humans away; which meant that by the time she was ready to back to the skies and return to her actual territory; the rider had earned her respect and this area as far as Inferno was concerned was part of the riders territory (though she still didn't need any help, even wounded she'd been able to keep herself fed). With a powerful push of her hind legs she was airbourne moments later, a dip of her head her only acknowledgement of the rider as her wings bore her southwards.

"That went well." Rathiel commented when the independent dragon was a mere speck, remaining still as Meeth climbed up onto his back, and wading towards the town, where he knew Meeth intended to have words with them, to hopefully avoid this particular scenario in the future..

Trainer Job Promotion (II >III)
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In Prestige, Jobs, and Classes ・ By Returu

WC: 972
Link to Prerequisite: Trained Trainer
Prompt: Show them take in an unruly Independent dragon.
Terrain(s): Fire
Familiar Search Tools: N/A
Buffs: Trained Trainer, Dragon Master Rider present

Meeth takes on an unruly independent dragon , thus becoming a master trainer. 
Rathiel is Exp only for  (Present for around 400 WC)
A young Inferno gets some life experiance

Submitted By Returu
Submitted: 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 weeks ago

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