Inventory Egg Hatching 2022

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Inventory 2023


MostlyMoose Avatar

Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Light
Element 2: Random

2024-05-13 03:19:27

Gremmy Avatar

Rarity: Rare (hatchday egg)
Element 1: Storm
Element 2: Jungle

2023-03-22 02:09:13

Gremmy Avatar

Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Light
Element 2: Wind

2023-01-31 22:09:19

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2023-01-31 14:59:08

MilkRat Avatar
MilkRat Staff Member

Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Ocean
Element 2: Ocean

2023-01-07 02:17:21

zaxarie Avatar
zaxarie Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Frozen
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2023-01-02 01:29:55

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg rumbles and cracks to reveal...
Sex: Male
Element: Fire/Earth
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Thorned Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Sable
Modifier Traits: Armored, Avalanche, Cirrus, Maned, Spaded Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Dawn
G3: Shakespeare
Please take good care of this dragon~

2023-01-03 08:30:03 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:55:38)

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Frozen
Element 1: Ocean
Element 2: Random

2023-01-01 09:16:42 (Edited 2023-01-02 21:52:39)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg rumbles and cracks to reveal...
Sex: Female
Element: Earth/Ocean
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Saurian Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Aquatic Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Blanket, Crackle, Fawn Spots, Mist, Scorched
Modifier Traits: Bearded, Webbed Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Gloam
G3: Marionette
Please take good care of this dragon~

2023-01-03 08:29:44 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:55:46)

Gremmy Avatar

Egg Rarity: Frozen
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2023-01-01 04:23:57

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg rumbles and cracks to reveal...
Sex: Female
Element: Metal/Ocean
Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Thorned Crest, Wyrm Body, Smooth Scales, Scythe Wings, Fingered Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Charged Dancer, Chroma, Forged, Spotted, Tobiano
Modifier Traits: Club Tail, Gilded, Gilled, Wither
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P2: Matcha
G1: Dawn
Please take good care of this dragon~

2023-01-03 08:29:29 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:53:31)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Sex: Female
Element: Metal/Ocean
Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Thorned Crest, Wyrm Body, Smooth Scales, Scythe Wings, Fingered Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Charged Dancer, Chroma, Spotted, Tobiano
Modifier Traits: Club Tail, Gilded, Gilled, Wither
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: Forged

2023-01-26 19:48:35

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Frozen
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2023-01-01 03:06:44

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg rumbles and cracks to reveal...

Sex: Female
Element: Ocean/Storm
Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Finned Crest, Wyvern Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Amphibious Limbs, Rat Tail
Display Traits: Aurora, Blanket, Striped
Modifier Traits: Odd Ears, Split Tail, Tailless
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P2: Swallowtail
G1: Moses
Please take good care of this dragon~

2023-01-03 08:29:11

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Frozen
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-12-31 19:18:48

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg rumbles and cracks to reveal...
Sex: Female
Element: Wind/Ocean
Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Feathered Crest, Wyrm Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Fawn Spots, Grunge
Modifier Traits: Charged Beaked, Gilled, Plating
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Halley
G3: Shakespeare
Please take good care of this dragon~

2023-01-03 08:29:00 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:51:19)

firedragoran Avatar

Egg Rarity: Frozen
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-12-31 19:02:13

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg rumbles and cracks to reveal...
Sex: Female
Element: Ocean/Earth
Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Saurian Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Amphibious Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Appaloosa, Blanket, Fawn Spots, Spotted, Underbelly
Modifier Traits: Charged Maned, Gilled, Iridescence, Sheen
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Betta
G3: Swallowtail
Please take good care of this dragon~

2023-01-03 08:28:42 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:50:04)

firedragoran Avatar

Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Jungle
Element 2: Ocean

2022-12-31 19:01:53

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg cracks open to reveal...
Sex: Male 
Element: Jungle/Ocean
Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Finned Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Aquatic Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Rosettes, False Eyes, Blanket, Dart Frog
Modifier Traits: Engraved, Split Tail, Capricorn, Dazzle, Frog Throat, Dorsal Fin, Charged Dorsal Spines
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A"

P1: Tempura
G3: Styx

Please take care of this good bean~

2023-01-03 08:31:58 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:49:06)

Gremmy Avatar

Egg Rarity: Frozen
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-12-31 18:25:13

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg rumbles and cracks to reveal...
Sex: Male
Element: Dark
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, No Crest, Wyrm Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Nebula, Splotched, Striped, Suntouched
Modifier Traits: Beaked, Club Tail, Dorsal Fin, Tentacles, Webbed Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Apophis
G3: Aching
Please take good care of this dragon~

2023-01-03 08:27:00 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:48:01)

zaxarie Avatar
zaxarie Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Wind
Element 2: Wind

2022-12-30 22:25:15

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg cracks open to reveal...
Sex: Male 
Element: Wind
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Feathered Crest, Wyvern Body, Feathered Scales, Feathered Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Breeze, Barred, Streaks, Collared, Charged Cap
Modifier Traits: Frog Throat, Seraph, Plumes, Beaked, Charged Extensions
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Whemper
G3: Drama

Please take care of this good bean~

2023-01-03 08:26:44 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:46:43)

zaxarie Avatar
zaxarie Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Common
Element 1: Metal
Element 2: Jungle

2022-12-30 22:22:34

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg cracks open to reveal...
Sex: Female 
Element: Metal
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Thorned Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Patina, Veined, Bib, Chroma
Modifier Traits: Sheen, Antennae, Plated Spine
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Clay
G3: Graffiti
Please take care of this good bean!

2023-01-03 08:25:04 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:45:48)

zaxarie Avatar
zaxarie Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Frozen
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

first frozen egg roll let's-a-go

2022-12-30 22:21:14

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg rumbles and cracks to reveal...
Sex: Female
Element: Earth
Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Crowned Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Scythe Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Fawn Spots, Magma, Pangare, Rusted, Stamp
Modifier Traits: Bearded, Display, Frog Throat, Gilled, Plating
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Link
G3: Clay

Please take good care of this dragon~

2023-01-03 07:58:24 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:39:35)

Gremmy Avatar

Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Thunder
Element 2: Dark

2022-12-29 02:36:28

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg cracks open to reveal...
"Sex: Female 
Element: Thunder/Dark
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, Artificial Crest, Monstrous Body, Artificial Scales, Artificial Wings, Fingered Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Nebula, Runemarks, Sparks, Comet, Underbelly, Checkered
Modifier Traits: Disassembly, Transparent Skin, Coils, Boneless, Display
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Phantom
G3: Aching

2023-01-03 07:56:56 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:38:25)

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Metal
Element 2: Random

2022-12-24 18:50:36

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg cracks open to reveal...
Sex: Female 
Element: Metal/Thunder
Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Artificial Crest, Bipedal Body, Artificial Scales, Scythe Wings, Fingered Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Stairstep, Veined, Stamp, Splotched
Modifier Traits: Shimmer, Halo, Gilded, Display, Charged Plated Spine
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Meteor
G3: Pixie

2023-01-03 07:54:31 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:40:28)

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Common
Element 1: Thunder
Element 2: Wind

2022-12-24 18:49:56

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg cracks open to reveal...
Sex: Male 
Element: Thunder
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Artificial Crest, Wyvern Body, Artificial Scales, Artificial Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Collared, Stamp
Modifier Traits: Beaked, Whiskers
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Falada
G3: Whemper

2023-01-03 07:53:14 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:41:42)

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Common
Element 1: random
Element 2: random

2022-12-23 21:44:14

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg cracks open to reveal...
Sex: Male 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Sable, Bib
Modifier Traits: Dorsal Spines, Miniature
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Whemper
G3: Poltergeist

2023-01-03 07:51:32 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:44:30)

Gremmy Avatar

Rarity: Common
Element 1: Ocean
Element 2: Wind

2022-12-23 16:53:39 (Edited 2022-12-23 16:54:09)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg cracks open to reveal...
Sex: Male 
Element: Ocean/Wind
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Finned Crest, Wyrm Body, Smooth Scales, Feathered Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Aquatic Tail
Display Traits: Marked, Collared, Spotted
Modifier Traits: Beaked, Gilled
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Oberon
G3: Whemper

2023-01-03 07:50:27 (Edited 2023-01-03 08:43:07)

firedragoran Avatar

Rarity: Uncommon
Element 1: Jungle
Element 2: Thunder

2022-12-09 20:44:25

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

The egg hatches to reveal...
Sex: Male 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Artificial Snout, Artificial Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Artificial Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Leafy, Chameleon, Checkered, Charged Bib
Modifier Traits: Companion, Dazzle, Frog Throat, Whiskers, Charged Antennae
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Parent 1 | ED-10090: Lumi
G3 | ED-145: Goliath

2022-12-13 13:06:22

firedragoran Avatar

Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Jungle
Element 2: Dark

2022-12-09 20:44:04

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

The egg hatches to reveal...
Sex: Male 
Element: Jungle/Dark
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Streaks, Stitched, Rosettes, Wisp, Chameleon, Sooty, Dart Frog
Modifier Traits: Companion, Insectified, Frog Throat, Wither, Dorsal Spines, Antennae
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Parent 1 | ED-10090: Lumi
G3 | ED-10097: Gloam

2022-12-13 13:03:55

firedragoran Avatar

Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Thunder
Element 2: Dark

2022-12-09 20:43:21

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

The egg hatches to reveal...
Sex: Female 
Element: Thunder/Dark
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, No Crest, Wyrm Body, Smooth Scales, Artificial Wings, Artificial Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Fairy, Circuitry, Sparks, Comet, Charged Fractal
Modifier Traits: Multi-Limbed, Glitch, Transparent Skin, Coils, Wither, Whiskers
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Parent 1 | ED-228: Titanium
G3 | ED-788: Kolie

2022-12-13 12:59:50

firedragoran Avatar

Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Thunder
Element 2: Jungle

2022-12-09 20:43:01

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg hatches to reveal...
Sex: Male 
Element: Thunder/Jungle
Physical Traits: Artificial Snout, Artificial Crest, Quadruped Body, Artificial Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Runemarks, Aurora, Bib, Checkered
Modifier Traits: Dazzle, Glitch, Floral Parasite, Coils, Miniature, Antennae, Whiskers
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Parent 1 | ED-145: Goliath
G3 | ED-10090: Lumi

2022-12-13 12:55:10

aarushii Avatar

Egg Rarity: ultra rare egg
Element 1: wind
Element 2: thunder

2022-11-25 16:56:32

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

You do not appear to have an Ultra-rare Egg! Would you like to hatch the Legendary one instead?

2022-11-27 23:23:27

aarushii Avatar

yea sure

2022-11-28 13:29:24

MilkRat Avatar
MilkRat Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Earth
Element 2: Fire

2022-11-21 00:43:13

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

You hear something hissing inside. What could this be...?
Sex: Female 
Element: Earth/Fire
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Thorned Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Crackle, Skunk, Scorched, Spotted, Brindle
Modifier Traits: Neckfrill, Protofeathers, Spaded Tail, Maned
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

G1 | ED-10105: Magpyr
Parent 2 | ED-737: Krakatoa

Please take care of this good bean!

2022-11-27 23:34:14

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Sex: Female
Element: Earth/Fire
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Thorned Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Crackle, Skunk, Scorched, Spotted, Brindle
Modifier Traits: Neckfrill, Protofeathers, Spaded Tail, Maned
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

2024-04-20 00:31:34 (Edited 2024-04-20 00:31:48)

AnimeFan4Eternity23 Avatar

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-10-22 23:03:00

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg rumbles and cracks. A mischief maker pops out!
Sex: Male 
Element: Storm/Metal
Physical Traits: Fruit Snout, Thorned Crest, Wyvern Body, Velvet Scales, Scythe Wings, Fingered Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Patina, Frost, Veined, Pollen, Rusted, Panda
Modifier Traits: Thorned Spine, Debris, Gilded, Bumble, Shell, Charged Odd Ears
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

G1 | ED-10092: Chrome
Parent 2 | ED-631: Dawn

Please take care of this good bean!

2022-11-27 23:29:09

kytazy Avatar

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Light
Element 2: Light

2022-09-26 06:46:39

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

The egg rocks back and forth, and you can hear a bit of pipping. It's ready <3
Sex: Female 
Element: Light
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Ungulate Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Echo, Glass, Roan, Zebra, Charged Faded, Appaloosa, Sable, Suntouched
Modifier Traits: Curled, Pelvic Spines, Charged Star Pearl, Gilded, Sheen, Heraldry, Armored, Bearded
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

ED-745: Falada
Parent 1
ED-271: Atlantis

2022-09-26 22:31:10

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Fire
Element 2: Ocean

2022-09-02 06:02:01

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

At long last, this steamy egg begins to crack. Who will take care of the shimmering thing inside?
Sex: Male 
Element: Fire/Ocean
Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Thorned Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Aquatic Limbs, Aquatic Tail
Display Traits: Dancer, Stairstep, Koi, Detonation, Emblazoned, Blanket, Magma
Modifier Traits: Jeweled, Multi-Limbed, Tentacles, Aegis, Pelvic Fins, Translucent, Gilled, Dorsal Spines
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-09-04 05:29:37

Stardestiny24 Avatar

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Fire
Element 2: Random

2022-09-02 05:32:01

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

This ruby-like egg shines in the light. Whatever is inside is calm and cozy...for now.
Sex: Female 
Element: Fire/Metal
Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Thorned Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Detonation, Veined, Emblazoned, Chroma, Sable
Modifier Traits: Shimmer, Double Crest, Sheen, Translucent, Shell, Dorsal Spines
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-09-04 05:26:32

Skiie-Shard Avatar

Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Fire
Element 2: Earth

2022-09-02 03:40:30

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

This egg is hot to the touch and rumbles like a volcano. Whatever is in there, it's strong!
Sex: Female 
Element: Fire/Earth
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Thorned Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Crackle, Sandstone, Vibrancy, Skunk, Pharaoh, Fawn Spots, Appaloosa, Sable
Modifier Traits: Debris, Fanged, Neckfrill, Brawn, Aegis, Protofeathers, Translucent, Charged Club Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-09-04 05:22:02

zaxarie Avatar
zaxarie Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Dark
Element 2: Storm

2022-09-01 23:21:13

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

You hear a growl come out of the egg. Whatever is in there, it's a good thing little dragons have little teeth.
Sex: Female 
Element: Dark/Storm
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, No Crest, Monstrous Body, Velvet Scales, Leather Wings, Fingered Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Stitched, Mist, Wisp, Striped, Comet, Sooty
Modifier Traits: Multi-Limbed, Bumble, True Sight, Webbed Tail, Plating, Tattered
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-09-04 05:17:28

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Common
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-08-27 08:53:47

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Woah, something appeared at the bottom of the pile! Did it...did it pop out of the shadows?
Sex: Female 
Element: Dark
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, No Crest, Monstrous Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Fingered Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Dust, Charged Sooty
Modifier Traits: Transparent Skin, Tattered, Extensions, Wither
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-27 09:01:54

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Sex: Female
Element: Dark
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, No Crest, Monstrous Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Fingered Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Dust, Charged Sooty
Modifier Traits: Transparent Skin, Tattered, Extensions, Wither
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: Charged Sooty

2022-09-08 18:49:06

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-08-27 07:39:29

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

So many mischief-makers...fall looks like it will be full of pranks!
Sex: Female 
Element: Light/Jungle
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Zebra, Faded, Rattlesnake, Charged Suntouched
Modifier Traits: Insectified, Spectrum, Frog Throat, Gilded, Miniature, Armored, Bearded
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-27 08:48:40

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-08-27 07:39:09

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

And now for a menace of the skies. Take care of this little storm cloud!
Sex: Female 
Element: Thunder/Storm
Physical Traits: Fruit Snout, No Crest, Wyvern Body, Artificial Scales, Leather Wings, Artificial Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Wisp, Vampire, Glass, Aurora, Hailstorm, Magma, Checkered
Modifier Traits: True Sight, Disassembly, Bumble, Coils, Webbed Tail, Miniature, Whiskers
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-27 08:46:28

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-08-27 07:38:49

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Did you see something else here? Surely not.
Sex: Male 
Element: Wind/Dark
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, No Crest, Monstrous Body, Feathered Scales, Feathered Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Crackle, Stitched, Breeze, Barred, Comet, Sooty, Tipped
Modifier Traits: Curled, Frilled, Tattered, Webbed Tail, Beaked
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-27 08:44:29 (Edited 2022-08-27 08:52:08)

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Uncommon
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-08-24 11:32:29

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

What's that noise...? Something spooky is nearby.
Sex: Male
Element: Dark/Jungle
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Fingered Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Stitched, Wisp, Rattlesnake, Sooty
Modifier Traits: True Sight, Antennae, Tattered
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-27 08:50:31

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member


Sex: Male
Element: Dark/Jungle
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, No Crest, Monstrous Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Fingered Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Stitched, Wisp, Rattlesnake, Sooty
Modifier Traits: True Sight, Antennae, Tattered
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

2024-08-05 13:47:03

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Common
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-08-24 11:30:12

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

This makes the second mischief-maker careful!
Sex: Female 
Element: Jungle/Storm
Physical Traits: Fruit Snout, No Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Insect Wings, Fingered Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Hailstorm, Stamp, Dart Frog
Modifier Traits: Insectified, Webbed Tail, Dorsal Spines, Miniature
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-27 08:42:39 (Edited 2022-08-27 08:43:11)

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Common
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-08-24 11:30:00

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Something small and cute hatches. How nostalgic!
Sex: Female 
Element: Fire
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Saurian Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Underbelly, Magma
Modifier Traits: Translucent, Club Tail, Charged Spaded Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-27 08:41:15

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Earth
Element 2: Eartg

2022-08-24 08:17:19

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Looks like something strong is born--! A terror of the...sea?!
Sex: Female 
Element: Earth
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Saurian Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Shark, Crackle, Sandstone, Charged Skunk, Charged Brindle
Modifier Traits: Shimmer, Electric, Charged Neckfrill, Fanged, Protofeathers, Maned, Whiskers, Club Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-27 08:39:38

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Jungle
Element 2: Storm

2022-08-24 06:36:42

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your legendary egg rumbles...with mischief? Be careful with this one!
Sex: Male 
Element: Jungle/Storm
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Wyvern Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Rat Tail
Display Traits: Zebra, Frost, Vampire, Leafy, False Eyes, Hailstorm, Fractal, Foliage
Modifier Traits: Seraph, Charged Star Pearl, Debris, Insectified, Floral Parasite, Webbed Tail, Antennae
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-27 08:37:26

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Rarity: Ultra Rare
Element 1: Thunder
Element 2: Random

2022-08-23 17:44:51

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

The topaz egg seems to crackle with energy and light. Just what is about to arrive?
Sex: Male 
Element: Thunder/Light
Physical Traits: Artificial Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Artificial Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Patina, Runemarks, Sparks, Pangare, Stamp, Checkered
Modifier Traits: Capricorn, Disassembly, Coils, Heraldry, Club Tail, Display
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-24 02:22:17

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: wind
Element 2: fire

2022-08-23 16:30:53

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

The egg warms underneath your hands and a delightful song comes from within. What a lovely dragon~
Sex: Male 
Element: Wind/Fire
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Feathered Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Leafy, False Eyes, Detonation, Flight Bars, Pharaoh, Streaks, Magma, Tipped
Modifier Traits: Phoenix, Aegis, Avalanche, Double Crest, Seraph, Frilled, Spaded Tail, Charged Extensions
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-24 02:20:03

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Sex: Male 
Element: Wind/Fire
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Feathered Crest, Quadruped Body, Feathered Scales, Feathered Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Leafy, False Eyes, Detonation, Flight Bars, Pharaoh, Streaks, Magma, Tipped
Modifier Traits: Phoenix, Aegis, Avalanche, Double Crest, Seraph, Frilled, Spaded Tail, Charged Extensions
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

2023-01-04 04:00:08

Stardestiny24 Avatar

Egg Rarity: Uncommon
Element 1: Wind
Element 2: Random

2022-08-22 11:25:22

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

The sound of waves is rushing from inside. What will this hatch into...?
Sex: Male 
Element: Wind/Ocean
Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Feathered Crest, Wyvern Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Streaks, Spotted, Cap
Modifier Traits: Curled, Frilled, Dorsal Fin, Webbed Tail, Extensions
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-23 13:47:50

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: wind
Element 2: random

2022-08-21 07:27:00

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

You hear something scratching to get out. It growls from inside the egg...or maybe that was a chirp?
Sex: Female 
Element: Wind/Earth
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Feathered Crest, Wyvern Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Stairstep, Somatic, Crackle, Breeze, Skunk, Streaks, Fawn Spots, Charged Striped
Modifier Traits: Engraved, Neckfrill, Seraph, Protofeathers, Plumes, Club Tail, Extensions
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-23 13:45:31

MilkRat Avatar
MilkRat Staff Member

Sex: Female
Element: Wind/Earth
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Feathered Crest, Wyvern Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Stairstep, Somatic, Crackle, Breeze, Skunk, Streaks, Fawn Spots, Charged Striped
Modifier Traits: Engraved, Neckfrill, Seraph, Protofeathers, Plumes, Club Tail, Extensions
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

2023-12-26 03:43:08

kytazy Avatar

Egg Rarity: rare
Element 1: light
Element 2: light

2022-08-15 01:28:51

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

This egg hisses as little hooves start stomping their way out.
Sex: Male 
Element: Light
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Ungulate Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Sandstone, Roan, Rabicano, Faded, Charged Pangare
Modifier Traits: Spectrum, Star Pearl, Charged Sheen, Bearded, Plating, Heraldry
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-15 01:47:22

kytazy Avatar

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: light
Element 2: light

2022-08-15 01:28:42

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

You hear a soft whinny come from inside the egg. What could be in there...?
Sex: Female 
Element: Light
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Ungulate Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Origin, Roan, Zebra, Faded, Appaloosa, Scorched, Suntouched
Modifier Traits: Cirrus, Neckfrill, Charged Star Pearl, Gilded, Charged Bearded
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-15 01:44:48

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: ultra rare
Element 1: light
Element 2: light

2022-08-12 20:40:47

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

...just how many hooves are in here?!
Sex: Female 
Element: Light
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Ungulate Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Marked, Charged Roan, Rabicano, Charged Appaloosa, Suntouched
Modifier Traits: Cirrus, Multi-Limbed, Charged Spectrum, Sheen, Bearded, Plating, Heraldry
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 05:00:57

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: rare
Element 1: jungle
Element 2: jungle

2022-08-12 20:39:44

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Another brilliant egg hatches! It's the cutest thing hatched in all of history.
Sex: Male 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Zebra, Rosettes, False Eyes, Foliage, Sable, Dart Frog
Modifier Traits: Dazzle, Floral Parasite, Charged Miniature
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:56:27

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: uncommon
Element 1: jungle
Element 2: jungle

2022-08-12 20:39:26

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

This egg is warm too the touch--much warmer than a jungle egg should be!
Sex: Male 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Charged Chameleon, Dart Frog, Fractal, Foliage
Modifier Traits: Phoenix, Frog Throat, Charged Miniature, Antennae
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:52:19

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: uncommon
Element 1: jungle
Element 2: jungle

2022-08-12 20:39:21

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

A ribbit sounds from the inside. There's also a weird crinkling. What could that be?
Sex: Male 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: False Eyes, Rattlesnake, Fractal, Dart Frog
Modifier Traits: Floral Parasite, Miniature, Antennae
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:49:45

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: rare scrambled
Element 1: scrambled
Element 2: scrambled

2022-08-12 20:38:48

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Who could have foreseen this?
Sex: Male 
Element: Jungle/Fire
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Zebra, Rosettes, Pharaoh, False Eyes, Scorched, Dart Frog, Foliage
Modifier Traits: Insectified, Frog Throat, Spaded Tail, Whiskers, Miniature
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:45:33

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: rare scrambled
Element 1: scrambled
Element 2: scrambled

2022-08-12 20:38:42

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

A fin pokes out of the egg, then the whole thing uncurls to reveal a cute baby bean!
Sex: Female 
Element: Fire/Ocean
Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Thorned Crest, Wyrm Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Aquatic Tail
Display Traits: Glass, Vibrancy, Ripple, Pharaoh, Spotted, Magma, Sable
Modifier Traits: Aegis, Translucent, Dorsal Fin, Antennae, Spaded Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:42:47

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: common scrambled
Element 1: scrambled
Element 2: scrambled

2022-08-12 20:38:31

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

You hear a pop and see a spaded tail sticking out of the egg. Looks like it's already ready for destruction!
Sex: Female 
Element: Fire
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Thorned Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Detonation, Sable, Charged Scorched
Modifier Traits: Translucent, Spaded Tail, Miniature, Dorsal Spines
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:39:18

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: common scrambled
Element 1: scrambled
Element 2: scrambled

2022-08-12 20:38:25

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

A ray of light shines from the inside of the egg. Something beautiful has arrived--!
Sex: Female 
Element: Light
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Ungulate Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Appaloosa, Pangare
Modifier Traits: Star Pearl, Charged Heraldry
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:37:25

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: common scrambled
Element 1: scrambled
Element 2: scrambled

2022-08-12 20:38:10

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

...turns out that wasn't a joke! Another Jungle rolls in.
Sex: Male 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, No Crest, Monstrous Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Sooty, Sable, Rattlesnake
Modifier Traits: Frog Throat, Wither, Miniature
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:33:50 (Edited 2022-08-13 04:35:05)

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: common scrambled
Element 1: scrambled
Element 2: scrambled

2022-08-12 20:38:01

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

It looks like some of these dragons are drawn to you like butterflies to a flower. It's just that sort of day ' w'
Sex: Female 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Feathered Crest, Quadruped Body, Feathered Scales, Feathered Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Leafy, Cap, Rattlesnake
Modifier Traits: Beaked, Miniature
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:31:39

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: common scrambled
Element 1: scrambled
Element 2: scrambled

2022-08-12 20:37:57

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

You hear something rattling around inside. It can probably hatch, but it appears its brain cells haven't gathered yet, metaphorically speaking.
Sex: Male 
Element: Storm/Thunder
Physical Traits: Artificial Snout, No Crest, Wyvern Body, Artificial Scales, Artificial Wings, Fingered Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Mist, Fractal, Striped, Panda
Modifier Traits: Split Tail, Display, Beaked, Webbed Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:29:49

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: common scrambled
Element 1: scrambled
Element 2: scrambled

2022-08-12 20:37:26

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

A growl echoes out of the egg. Good morning, little dragon!
Sex: Female 
Element: Earth
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Saurian Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Sandstone, Underbelly, Fawn Spots
Modifier Traits: Brawn, Display, Charged Maned
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:27:01

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: common
Element 1: jungle
Element 2: jungle

2022-08-12 20:36:44

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

A dragon manages to bop off a piece of the egg. As you go to peek inside, a long chameleon tongue mlems out!
Sex: Female 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Chameleon, Checkered, Charged Foliage
Modifier Traits: Dazzle, Antennae, Display, Miniature
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:24:49

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: common
Element 1: jungle
Element 2: jungle

2022-08-12 20:36:34

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

You hear a few croaks coming from inside. What could this be...?
Sex: Female 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Bib, Charged Rattlesnake
Modifier Traits: Floral Parasite, Miniature, Dorsal Spines, Antennae
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:21:34

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: common
Element 1: jungle
Element 2: jungle

2022-08-12 20:36:03

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

A spine pokes out of the egg, making a huge crack. Good morning, little one!
Sex: Male 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Rosettes, Rattlesnake, Dart Frog
Modifier Traits: Antennae, Dorsal Spines, Miniature
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This egg has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:18:33

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: common
Element 1: jungle
Element 2: jungle

2022-08-12 20:35:56

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

A crack forms and two little antennae stick out to feel the world. It's hatched!
Sex: Female 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Rosettes, Scorched, Charged Dart Frog
Modifier Traits: Miniature, Whiskers, Antennae
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:15:19

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: common
Element 1: jungle
Element 2: jungle

2022-08-12 20:35:49

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Cute little frog toes make their way out of the egg. A new bean is born!
Sex: Female 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Foliage, Checkered, Rattlesnake
Modifier Traits: Miniature, Antennae
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage.

2022-08-13 04:12:28

kytazy Avatar

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Light
Element 2: Light

2022-08-08 06:01:46

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg hatches in a golden, sparkling glow! Wait, not sparkling. Sparking.
Sex: Female 
Element: Light
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Ungulate Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Dancer, Vampire, Zebra, Roan, Rabicano, Faded, Appaloosa, Charged Rusted
Modifier Traits: Electric, Pelvic Fins, Glitch, Charged Star Pearl, Gilded, Heraldry, Plating, Bearded
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

This dragon has no lineage. Please take care of this good bean.

2022-08-12 17:08:10

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Dark
Element 2: Random

2022-07-08 01:55:16

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Something is echoing inside there...what could it be? Please take care of this good bean!
Sex: Female 
Element: Dark/Storm
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, No Crest, Wyvern Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Fingered Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Frost, Nebula, Pollen, Starry, Hailstorm, Sooty
Modifier Traits: Companion, Transparent Skin, Odd Ears, Tattered
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

No Lineage

2022-07-14 13:34:38

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Rarity: Ultra Rare
Element 1: Light
Element 2: Random

2022-06-17 20:23:30

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

A shining star crawls out of the egg. These colors should turn out beautiful after a few sheds~
Sex: Female 
Element: Light/Dark
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, No Crest, Monstrous Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Fingered Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Nebula, Roan, Faded, Sooty, Appaloosa
Modifier Traits: Star Pearl, Transparent Skin, Sheen, Boneless, Heraldry
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Jack
G3: Kolie

2022-06-19 13:43:42 (Edited 2022-06-19 13:47:41)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member


Sex: Female
Element: Light/Dark
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, Crowned Crest, Monstrous Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Fingered Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Nebula, Roan, Faded, Sooty, Appaloosa
Modifier Traits: Star Pearl, Transparent Skin, Sheen, Boneless, Heraldry
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

2023-01-26 20:54:43

foxdog2 Avatar

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Fire
Element 2: Light

2022-06-09 18:32:37

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

What a beautiful egg. It's hatching into something brand new!
Sex: Male 
Element: Fire/Light
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Thorned Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Ungulate Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Detonation, Rabicano, Emblazoned, Appaloosa, Sable, Scorched
Modifier Traits: Aegis, Thorned Spine, Bearded, Dorsal Spines
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Kirin
G3: Mirage

2022-06-19 13:40:01 (Edited 2022-06-19 13:46:44)

CertainlyCervine Avatar
CertainlyCervine Staff Member

Sex: Male
Element: Fire/Light
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Leather Wings, Ungulate Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Detonation, Rabicano, Emblazoned, Appaloosa, Sable, Scorched
Modifier Traits: Aegis, Thorned Spine, Dorsal Spines
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: Bearded

2024-06-24 14:54:58 (Edited 2024-06-24 14:56:51)

foxdog2 Avatar

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Fire
Element 2: Metal

2022-06-09 18:31:49

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

What a shiny egg! Something cute makes its way out~
Sex: Female
Element: Fire/Metal
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Thorned Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Scythe Wings, Fingered Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Detonation, Veined, Emblazoned, Chroma, Dart Frog, Magma
Modifier Traits: Double Crest, Sheen, Translucent, Armored, Miniature, Dorsal Spines
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Halley
G3: Chrome

2022-06-19 13:40:18 (Edited 2022-06-19 13:45:45)

foxdog2 Avatar

Egg Rarity: rare
Element 1: Dark
Element 2: Wind

2022-06-09 18:31:12

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg rumbles and echoes and finally cracks open. What on earth lays within...?
Sex: Male 
Element: Dark/Wind
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Feathered Crest, Monstrous Body, Smooth Scales, Feathered Wings, Fingered Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Sandstone, Stitched, Starry, Tipped, Comet
Modifier Traits: Capricorn, Curled, Multi-Limbed, Transparent Skin, Beaked, Boneless
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Phantom
G3: Mirage

2022-06-19 13:38:10 (Edited 2022-06-19 13:44:52)

Zincwolf Avatar
Zincwolf Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Ultra-rare
Element 1: Storm
Element 2: Metal

2022-04-26 17:41:18 (Edited 2022-04-26 17:44:44)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Perhaps this one will make a bit less trouble...PERHAPS...
Sex: Female 
Element: Storm/Metal
Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Thorned Crest, Wyvern Body, Smooth Scales, Scythe Wings, Fingered Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Frost, Forged, Pollen, Rusted, Hailstorm
Modifier Traits: Double Crest, Shimmer, Split Tail, Sheen, Bumble, Armored, Charged Beaked
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Dam: Dawn
Sire's Sire: Lumi

2022-05-03 10:55:04

Zincwolf Avatar
Zincwolf Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Uncommon
Element 1: Earth
Element 2: Storm

2022-04-26 17:38:58 (Edited 2022-04-26 17:51:43)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Something chaotic is already scratching its way out! Be careful with this mischief-maker.
Sex: Female 
Element: Earth/Storm
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, No Crest, Wyvern Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Rat Tail
Display Traits: Sandstone, Mist, Skunk, Panda, Charged Underbelly
Modifier Traits: Neckfrill, Bumble, Fanged, Webbed Tail, Dorsal Fin, Club Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Link
Dam's Dam: Moses

2022-05-03 10:52:22

MilkRat Avatar
MilkRat Staff Member


Sex: Female
Element: Earth/Storm
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, No Crest, Wyvern Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Rat Tail
Display Traits: Sandstone, Mist, Skunk, Panda, Charged Underbelly
Modifier Traits: Neckfrill, Bumble, Fanged, Webbed Tail, Dorsal Fin, Club Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

2023-12-26 03:41:18

AnimeFan4Eternity23 Avatar

Egg Rarity: Rare (Scrambled Dragon Egg)
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-04-22 07:22:39

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

You hear a strange gurgle, and then something like whale song...what could this be?
Sex: Male 
Element: Ocean/Dark
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, Finned Crest, Wyrm Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Fingered Limbs, Aquatic Tail
Display Traits: Marbled, Ripple, Comet, Hailstorm, Orca
Modifier Traits: Seraph, Disassembly, Multi-Limbed, Tentacles, Pelvic Spines, Tattered, Charged Webbed Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Chrome
G3: Kolie

2022-04-23 01:42:18

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: idk, give me a funky combo. You pick lol
Element 2: see above

2022-04-09 12:48:20 (Edited 2022-04-12 15:11:04)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

This egg is cold to the touch, but there also seems to be some kind of buzzing. What on earth could be inside...?
Sex: Female 
Element: Jungle/Dark
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Monstrous Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Fingered Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Veil, Patina, Stitched, Leafy, Starry, Chameleon, Comet, Charged Fractal
Modifier Traits: Avalanche, Frilled, Spectrum, Companion, Dazzle, True Sight, Charged Floral Parasite, Charged Boneless
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Jack
G4: Dawn

2022-04-12 22:03:15

AnimeFan4Eternity23 Avatar

Rarity: Ultra-Rare
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-04-02 01:53:35

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg hatches with a dazzling flash and gleam. What a colorful creature!
Sex: Female 
Element: Light/Thunder
Physical Traits: Artificial Snout, Crowned Crest, Wyrm Body, Artificial Scales, Wingless, Ungulate Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Rosettes, Glass, Roan, Sparks, Rabicano, Fractal, Charged Rusted
Modifier Traits: Spectrum, Gilded, Display, Heraldry
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Dam: Falada
Sire's Sire: Admiral

2022-04-02 03:30:47

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: UR
Element 1: Jungle
Element 2: JUNGLE

2022-04-02 01:28:37

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Look at this good bean! A bit dusty on the wings, but pretty nonetheless!
Sex: Female 
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Insect Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Fairy, Charged Rosettes, Chameleon, Charged Rattlesnake
Modifier Traits: Charged Dazzle, Frog Throat, Charged Antennae, Miniature
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Titanium
Dam's Sire: Lumi

2022-04-02 03:27:26

cosmonstars Avatar

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Dark
Element 2: Thunder

2022-03-24 04:05:37

hulderinside Avatar
hulderinside Staff Member

A cute little blurb came out of da eg--

Sex: Female
Element: Dark/Thunder
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, Artificial Crest, Wyrm Body, Artificial Scales, Artificial Wings, Artificial Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Flaunt, Zebra, Rosettes, Glass, Stitched, Wisp, Fractal, Charged Rusted
Modifier Traits: Star Pearl, Tentacles, Glitch, Companion, True Sight, Display, Boneless
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A
Sire: Shakespeare
Dam's Sire: Kolie

2022-03-24 04:07:35 (Edited 2022-03-24 04:11:18)

AnimeFan4Eternity23 Avatar

Egg Rarity: Ultra-Rare
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-03-13 19:22:16

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

When you knock on the egg, it appears to...echo? Instead of lizard claws, you see little paws pop out~
Sex: Female 
Element: Earth/Metal
Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Saurian Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Fingered Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Echo, Stairstep, Sandstone, Veined, Tobiano, Chroma, Spotted, Fawn Spots
Modifier Traits: Curled, Brawn, Gilded, Protofeathers, Armored, Display, Maned
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Atlantis
Dam's Sire: Chrome

Please take care of this good bean~

2022-03-19 04:41:02 (Edited 2022-03-19 04:41:14)

AnimeFan4Eternity23 Avatar

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-03-13 19:21:56

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg brings something bright into the world~
Sex: Female 
Element: Light/Fire
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Vibrancy, Zebra, Faded, Sable, Pangare
Modifier Traits: Neckfrill, Double Crest, Spectrum, Gilded, Spaded Tail, Bearded
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Dam: Kirin
Sire's Dam: Mirage

2022-03-19 04:36:07

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Rarity: ultra rare
Element 1: thunder
Element 2: thunder the thundering

2022-03-13 14:31:21

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your ultra-rare egg sparks and fizzes to reveal...
Sex: Female 
Element: Thunder
Physical Traits: Artificial Snout, Artificial Crest, Wyrm Body, Artificial Scales, Artificial Wings, Artificial Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Flight Bars, Runemarks, Aurora, Magma, Charged Stamp
Modifier Traits: Disassembly, Coils, Club Tail, Charged Display
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Please take care of this good bean~

Dam: Falada
Sire's Sire: Admiral

2022-03-19 04:31:14

zaxarie Avatar
zaxarie Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Thunder
Element 2: N/A
I'd like to use my Day Blessing:
And I'd like Mythic Limbs <3

2022-03-05 19:42:17

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

It might be a freshly hatched egg, but somehow this feels like an ancient legend...please take care of this good bean~
Sex: Female 
Element: Thunder
Physical Traits: Artificial Snout, Artificial Crest, Wyrm Body, Artificial Scales, Artificial Wings, Artificial Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Shark, Echo, Glass, Runemarks, Sparks, Stamp, Fractal
Modifier Traits: True Sight, Glitch, Disassembly, Charged Coils, Maned, Charged Display
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Dam's Sire: Oberon
Sire: Atlantis

This year's day buff is applied during the upload process, so you may choose whether you want to use it then <3

2022-03-08 13:38:43

zaxarie Avatar
zaxarie Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Uncommon
Element 1: Wind
Element 2: Earth

2022-03-05 01:56:41

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

You hear a delightful singing sound coming from inside the egg. Please take care of this little raptor~
Sex: Female 
Element: Wind
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Saurian Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Barred, Brindle, Collared
Modifier Traits: Curled, Frilled, Maned, Beaked
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Dam: Mirage
Sire's Dam: Phantom

2022-03-08 13:35:18

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Uncommon
Element 1: Surprise me
Element 2: Surprise me x2

2022-03-04 18:47:16

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

The uncommon egg starts cracking and you hear a tiny growl from inside. Please take care of this good bean~
Sex: Male 
Element: Earth/Ocean
Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Finned Crest, Wyrm Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Vampire, Sandstone, Ripple, Tobiano, Spotted, Fawn Spots
Modifier Traits: Fanged, Gilled, Club Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Dam: Moses
Sire's Sire: Chrome

2022-03-08 13:32:42

AnimeFan4Eternity23 Avatar

Egg Rarity: Uncommon
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-03-04 18:16:34

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your uncommon egg...appears to be making dial-up noises--! Take care of this good bean~
Sex: Male 
Element: Thunder
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Artificial Crest, Wyvern Body, Feathered Scales, Artificial Wings, Artificial Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Vibrancy, Barred, Sparks, Tipped, Charged Fractal
Modifier Traits: Glitch, Frilled, Halo, Extensions, Antennae, Display
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Dam: Falada
Sire's Dam: Mirage

2022-03-08 13:30:34

Tomboy-Kei Avatar
Tomboy-Kei Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Thunder
Element 2: Dark

2022-02-17 18:54:08

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg rumbles until little cracks form. Mist starts to seep out...just what sort of dragon is this??
Sex: Male 
Element: Thunder/Dark
Physical Traits: Artificial Snout, Artificial Crest, Monstrous Body, Smooth Scales, Artificial Wings, Artificial Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Shark, Starry, Nebula, Glass, Sparks, Sooty, Fractal, Checkered
Modifier Traits: Cirrus, Split Tail, Companion, Disassembly, True Sight, Halo, Boneless, Display
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Shakespeare
Dam's Sire: Oberon

2022-02-20 02:31:58 (Edited 2022-02-20 02:33:11)

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-02-05 16:52:15

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Seems this Kirin has a few more teeth than would be considered normal…. And with a pattern to match
Sex: Male 
Element: Earth/Light
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Saurian Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Ungulate Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Shark, Crackle, Skunk, Appaloosa, Fawn Spots
Modifier Traits: Brawn, Fanged, Heraldry, Club Tail
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Oberon
Dams Sire: Kitten

2022-02-08 19:28:14 (Edited 2022-02-08 19:33:43)

Anarchisme Avatar

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-02-05 03:46:08

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Your legendary egg shakes and cracks until it finally bursts open in a flash of light--!
Sex: Female 
Element: Wind/Ocean
Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Feathered Crest, Wyrm Body, Feathered Scales, Feathered Wings, Aquatic Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: False Eyes, Marbled, Breeze, Streaks, Orca, Panda, Tipped
Modifier Traits: Star Pearl, Neckfrill, Capricorn, Curled, Many-Finned, Plumes, Gilled, Charged Odd Ears
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Kitten
Dam's Dam: Tempura

2022-02-05 12:56:29 (Edited 2022-02-05 13:00:18)

Stardestiny24 Avatar

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Dark or wind
Element 2: Random please!

2022-02-02 05:05:44

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

It seems the darkness chose you! Something strange appears from the depths...
Sex: Female 
Element: Dark/Light
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, No Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Fingered Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Shark, Leafy, Zebra, Nebula, Faded, Starry, Pangare, Charged Chroma
Modifier Traits: Dazzle, Star Pearl, Companion, Transparent Skin, Heraldry, Boneless
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Oberon
Dam's Sire: Shakespeare

2022-02-05 12:55:05 (Edited 2022-02-05 13:02:44)

Zephyreu-s Avatar

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Metal
Element 2: Random

2022-02-02 03:31:37

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Something is scratching on the inside of the egg. This one is ready to hatch~
Sex: Female 
Element: Metal/Wind
Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Feathered Crest, Wyvern Body, Feathered Scales, Scythe Wings, Fingered Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Stairstep, Forged, Collared, Chroma
Modifier Traits: Engraved, Sheen, Beaked, Charged Armored
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Dam's Sire: Kitten
Sire: Matcha

2022-02-05 12:53:32 (Edited 2022-02-05 13:04:29)

Zephyreu-s Avatar

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Lightning
Element 2: Random

2022-02-02 03:30:45

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

The thunder egg flickers a bit before it cracks open~
Sex: Male 
Element: Thunder
Physical Traits: Artificial Snout, Artificial Crest, Wyrm Body, Artificial Scales, Artificial Wings, Artificial Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Grunge, Patina, Runemarks, Glass, Sparks, Fractal, Stamp
Modifier Traits: Multi-Limbed, Shimmer, Spectrum, Disassembly, Glitch, Coils, Whiskers, Display
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Halley
Dam's Dam: Falada

2022-02-05 12:51:26 (Edited 2022-02-05 13:06:34)

kytazy Avatar

Egg Rarity: Legendary (roll as UR plz)
Element 1: Light
Element 2: Light

2022-02-02 01:29:51

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Normally, I wouldn't downgrade, but I know a legendary egg was granted instead of UR in the first place! So this is an UR egg getting rolled :3
Sex: Male 
Element: Light
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Ungulate Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Grunge, Roan, Charged Rabicano, Pangare, Rusted, Suntouched
Modifier Traits: Spectrum, Charged Sheen, Charged Bearded
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire : Halley
Dam's Dam: Falada

2022-02-05 12:49:49 (Edited 2022-02-05 13:14:15)

Saphira455 Avatar

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-02-01 15:10:00 (Edited 2022-02-01 15:10:27)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

The egg rumbles and rocks before finally revealing something amazing--!
Sex: Female 
Element: Light/Jungle
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Insect Wings, Ungulate Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Somatic, Charged Leafy, Zebra, Rabicano, Bib, Pangare
Modifier Traits: Jeweled, Phoenix, Companion, Dazzle, Star Pearl, Floral Parasite, Charged Gilded, Charged Miniature
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Kitten
Dam's Sire: Jormungandr

2022-02-05 13:10:39 (Edited 2022-02-05 13:13:20)

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-02-01 13:26:46

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Sex: Male 
Element: Jungle/Light
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Ungulate Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Origin, Zebra, Leafy, Rabicano, Chameleon, Suntouched, Foliage, Rattlesnake
Modifier Traits: Jeweled, Plumes, Star Pearl, Dazzle, Gilded, Frog Throat, Bearded, Antennae
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Dam: Hephaestus
Sires Sire: Kitten

2022-02-02 18:12:25 (Edited 2022-02-02 19:44:46)

Zincwolf Avatar
Zincwolf Staff Member

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Dark
Element 2: Random

2022-02-01 12:29:11

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Sex: Female 
Element: Dark/Thunder
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, Artificial Crest, Wyrm Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Fingered Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Shark, Sparks, Veil, Glass, Stitched, Aurora, Starry, Stamp
Modifier Traits: Radiance, Coils, Glitch, Multi-Limbed, Transparent Skin, Whiskers, Charged Tattered
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Jack
Dams Dam: Falada

2022-02-02 18:39:39 (Edited 2022-02-02 19:50:22)

AnimeFan4Eternity23 Avatar

Egg Rarity: Legendary
Element 1: Random
Element 2: Random

2022-02-01 11:19:02

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Sex: Male 
Element: Metal/Light
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Crowned Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Scythe Wings, Ungulate Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Origin, Glass, Tobiano, Zebra, Patina, Veined, Suntouched, Chroma
Modifier Traits: Plated Underbelly, Spectrum, Shimmer, Charged Gilded, Heraldry, Plated Spine
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Hepheastus
Dams Dam: Falada

2022-02-02 17:50:08 (Edited 2022-02-02 19:42:33)

Tehutiy Avatar

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Storm
Element 2: Thunder

2022-01-25 08:52:46

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Sex: Female 
Element: Storm/Thunder
Physical Traits: Fruit Snout, Artificial Crest, Wyrm Body, Velvet Scales, Artificial Wings, Fingered Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Runemarks, Vampire, Aurora, Mist, Stamp, Panda
Modifier Traits: Debris, Bumble, Display, Odd Ears
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Dam: Falada
Sires Sire: Admiral

2022-02-02 17:40:11 (Edited 2022-02-02 17:44:10)

cosmonstars Avatar

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: random
Element 2: random

2022-01-04 12:24:16

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Sex: Female 
Element: Storm/Wind
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Feathered Crest, Wyvern Body, Velvet Scales, Feathered Wings, Fingered Limbs, Rat Tail
Display Traits: Frost, Pollen, Collared, Hailstorm
Modifier Traits: Multi-Limbed, Curled, Split Tail, Plumes, Tailless, Extensions, Beaked, Odd Ears
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Kolie
Dams Dam: Dawn

2022-01-08 18:01:28 (Edited 2022-01-08 18:06:04)

cosmonstars Avatar

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: random
Element 2: random

2022-01-04 12:24:06

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Sex: Male 
Element: Wind/Fire
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Feathered Crest, Wyvern Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Vibrancy, Breeze, Emblazoned, Streaks, Sable, Tipped
Modifier Traits: Double Crest, Curled, Frilled, Spaded Tail, Charged Beaked
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Sire: Kitten
Dams Dam: Krakatoa

2022-01-08 17:54:58 (Edited 2022-01-08 17:57:11)

kytazy Avatar

Egg Rarity: Rare
Element 1: Light
Element 2: Light

2022-01-04 01:40:19

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Sex: Female 
Element: Light
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Crowned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Ungulate Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Runemarks, Charged Zebra, Rabicano, Splotched, Charged Appaloosa
Modifier Traits: Insectified, Spectrum, Gilded, Sheen, Heraldry, Charged Bearded
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Dam: Falada
Sire's Sire: Shakespeare

2022-01-08 08:57:59 (Edited 2022-01-08 08:59:33)

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