How to Add Familiars, Den Items, and Equipment

MYO slots are mainly used for designs, but they also carry over into things like Equipment, Den Items, and Familiars! To create one, you need the item in your Inventory to start with. You can gain these items through Activities, Crafting, or Events. NOTE: A Den is required for attaching Familiars and Den Items. Learn about making Dens here. Equipment may be attached at any time. Using these items all works the same. A Den Item is used as an example, but it works the same for Familiars and Equipment.

1. Click the item you want to use. Put a check mark next to it under Item Variations. Click Use Slot and then Open.

If everything worked properly, you will see this:


2. Go ahead and click on the MYO slot link (it might have a different name, but it will always be the item you just opened). You will get to a page like the screenshot below. Click Submit MYO design at the bottom of the left menu.  If you don't see the menu on the left, then click the Menu > button on the top left. If you are opening many things or lose track of this MYO, you can see which item this is by looking at the Subtype area on the right info.


3. You will get to this page. Click Create Request.


4. Each tab must be saved before you can submit. Click each tab to update and save them. Add-ons and Traits do not need changes. For Masterlist image, you can create custom art or use default art. Unlike dragons, there are no special rules for thumbnails, so you can crop the thumbnail however you like. Although it's not necessary, there are bonuses for doing your own art--it helps a Rider gain prestige, for example. You can also have a Rider with an Albino Raccoon instead of a regular one.  There's lots of flexibility with these. On the Comments page, please put the Den you are attaching it to. If it is equipment, put the Rider or Dragon instead.


5. Once all tabs are saved, go back to status and hit Submit Request. All done!