Reverie Jamboree -- Color the World

Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by ccbestiary

Jamborie 2024: Color The World | Romantic Scenery | Flash Dating

This event lasts until the very last second of August. This event focuses on diversity of all manners--love reaches across all barriers! Even, sometimes, opposing elements. Dragons are available in every color under the sun (and moon), and it’s time to highlight their differences. Draw a rainbow of dragons to complete the event!

How to Enter

Drawing a dragon of each basic element will net you 1 SC. If you include all ten different element dragons in one picture–with the dragons making a rainbow, in elemental order–then you get an extra 5 SC. For writing, just introduce the dragons in the order of their colors, and make sure to detail their appearance.

Gift art has extra prizes. If it is gift art, you get an extra reward that matches the element of the dragon below. Finally, if all of the dragons in the art piece or combined art entries are dragons that belong to others, you get 5 Silver Tickets.

Submit your entries to the Seasonal Event Prompt.  Attach the dragon(s) that feature in the art. If it is a gift, please state which player the dragon belongs to, and make sure to tell them about the art.

Elemental Prizes:

              • Light Dragon - Crystal Chandelier
              • Fire Dragon - Decorative Sword
              • Jungle Dragon - Spice Rack
              • Thunder Dragon - Entertainment System
              • Earth Dragon - Ancient Reconstruction
              • Ocean Dragon - Koi Pond
              • Storm Dragon - Roulette
              • Wind Dragon - Bookshelf
              • Dark Dragon - Star Chart
              • Metal Dragon - Looking Glass



Two of these items are brand new and temporarily exclusive to the event! They will appear in the usual crafting tables and loot at a later point this season.


Do I need to enter on the Chronocompass site?

Yes, you will need a site account so that you can receive your prizes.

Can I use my own dragons?

Yes, but you will only receive an SC reward, not the items or silver tickets.

Can I turn in one part at a time?

You may create individual pieces that meet activity requirements, then combine them at the end for the additional prizes. This means that each entry still needs a finished dragon and background. Dragons that are reused will not receive additional EXP for the final version, even if the background receives updates to help it merge better. Dragons that only appear in the final version receive exp as normal.

Do I have to gift different people?

It is encouraged, but not required, to gift different players.

Can we collaborate?

Yes! An additional set of dragons is required in collaborations, and they must still appear in order when they appear in the larger version. Example: If two people collaborate, then two light dragons must appear. If three, then three light dragons. If a complete rainbow image is made together, the light dragons must appear together. Collaborators cannot gift each other for the gift rewards.


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