Stellar Exchange
Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by ccbestiaryThe Celestial Festivals are starting off small to keep the holiday season as stress-free as possible. While we will have TWO dragon exchange events in January and February, the new December event is a bit of a warmup. Instead of exchanging dragons, we are exchanging Familiars! Don’t let the ‘little,’ ‘small,’ or ‘warm-up’ words fool you, though. These are very special Familiars!
A Fallen Star is a Familiar that can take on any form. It gives +2 EXP to any dragons depicted in an area with stars. Stellar Riders or Dragons get an additional bonus: +1 additional item during any loot activity. These Familiars only appear to certain Riders and do not count toward the total Rider Familiar limit (they will still apply to Independent dragon familiar limits, if you opt to use one instead).
In this event, you choose one of your Riders or Independent Dragons. A good choice is any Rider/Independent dragon you plan to give a Stellar Blessing to in the future, since Stellar element folk get an extra bonus from this Familiar. Even if you don’t apply it to a future Stellar character, the Familiar gives a nice bonus, and will look cool besides. Write a short one-three sentence story about how your character finds their Fallen Star. Put a concept/animal for your secret partner to use, phobias for your partner to avoid, and then comment here! Partners will be chosen on December 7th and informed through Discord.
Chosen Rider/Independent Dragon:
How did they meet:
Concept, Theme, or Animal: (one-three words or a tiny sentence)
Phobias or things to avoid:
What are the design rules?
They can take any shape, color, or markings. Stars should heavily feature in their design. They may look ghostly/spiritual/magical as long as stars are the main theme. Stars may be glowy dots, star shapes, star body features, or whatever is plainly star-like. This is very freestyle compared to dragon exchanges!
How big do the images need to be?
You can make them any size, but their final size will be lowered to 300 x 300, so you may want to make your canvas on the smaller side of things.
What if I don’t have a Rider or Independent Dragon?
Contact us in #help-and-suggestions discord channel and we will set you up!
Can I use existing Familiar Animals?
Yes! Because stars are incorporated into the design, it will be easy to tell the difference between them. Known future familiars (such as the Meerkat, Sloth, Tardigrade, and so on) may also be used. Using a certain animal will not exclude it from the future pool of possible Familiars, so don’t worry about that, either!
Are these Familiars exclusive to Stellar Riders/Dragons?
No, but characters that already have the Stellar element or gain it in the future will receive the bonuses for Stellar characters.
When is the Due Date?
Sunday, December 24th, Baker Island Time
Chosen Rider/Independent Dragon: Suri
How did they meet: Found rooting around in garbage
Concept, Theme, or Animal: Fruit Bat (literal)
Phobias or things to avoid: insects/bugs
2024-12-23 22:31:16
Feature Comment