Festival of the Night Exchange 2024

Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by ccbestiary

Aurelia’s Hatchery is running out of space for new eggs. Given that they all have crazy magic going on, she wants to find them their homes as soon as possible! The last thing she needs are two dozen eggs hatching early and destroying her Hatchery. She seeks the help of Riders the worlds over to find new homes for the eggs. Perhaps they will find their dragon here…or perhaps they can tell if someone else matches a dragon! This is a secret Santa event where players look for their dragon and find a dragon for others. Will you find who you’re looking for?

What is a Secret Santa?

For this Secret Santa, you make a custom dragon for someone. In return, you receive a custom dragon from someone else, along with a few other prizes! Who you get it from is a surprise, and the person you are assigned is also a surprise. You will not receive the same giftee or gifter as previous rounds in the season. Please keep your assignments a secret until February 1st. What you get is random, so only participate if you are open to any possibilities.


  • One pre-designed secret santa dragon with a few custom traits to make you smile~ 
  • It will have a new Uncommon trait of choice.
  • 1 Slot to an Emissary of your choosing
  • 1 Legendary Egg +10 SC -OR- 1 Ultra-rare Egg + 15 SC

Comment this Form to Join:

Desired Element (PICK ONE): (Any Element other than Day/Night/Stellar)
Chosen New Trait: Pick one: Afterglow, Flicker, Papillon, Soulmark, Skyline, Maze, Rainstorm, Alerion, Mortician, Welding
Theme Request: (Example: Cute! Keep it short and simple, one sentence max, no run-ons)
Phobias & Problem Colors: (optional. list any phobias and/or colors to avoid.)
Desired Emissary Slot: (click here for a list of emissaries or simply list an element)

Designer Rules:

  • One element should match their preferred element. You can pick any other element for their second or choose to make it purebred.
  • All physical traits should match their element(s).
  • No base Ultra-rare traits allowed. All other traits are allowed. Element modifiers are not accounted for–use the Design Hub to see their base rarity!
  • Five Display Traits and Five Modifier traits must be chosen. If you’re in a design pinch, contact the group.
  • The chosen new trait counts towards the max display traits.
  • You cannot use any new marks other than the one your giftee picked.
  • Charged traits are allowed.
  • Do not include a background/the background should be transparent.
  • To finish your design, you must also have it approved. An exception to DM reviews is made for secret santas--reply to the person who assigned you the task in order to have it reviewed.


January 3rd — If you signed up, you will receive your Secret Santa target!
January 31st — Designs are due! No extensions.
February 1st — All prizes will be given out!


Do I need to enter on the Chronocompass site?

Yes, you will need a site account so that you can receive your prizes.

Can I include extra art/reference art for my secret santa?

Yes! Feel free to attach any art you like to your gift.

Can I include items with the design?

No, no items or paints are allowed this round.

What Happens if I Can’t Finish My Design?

The person who made your Secret Santa gift will keep the design they made for you, and you will not receive one. Your recipient will have their gift drawn by a moderator. You will not receive the 10 SC reward, legendary egg reward, or Emissary slot reward. If you are unable to finish your design and you know ahead of the deadline, let us know so we can reassign your task to someone else. Your dragon will be returned to the giftee, and they may choose to gift it to the community however they want (raffle, group contest, etc.) or keep the design.

I am having trouble designing. Can I have some help?

The mods are always happy to help! You can message cosmonstars on Discord or directly message the Chronocompass deviantart group. There is an exception to the no-mod-DMs rule for secret santas.

What Happens if I Don’t Like My Design?

If you would prefer to have the art in your style, you may redraw it. Slight changes in marking coverage/trait coverage are allowed (such as reducing the number of stripes, increasing the amount of Debris, adding items, etc.). However, you cannot change the design that is given to you beyond that, and you cannot use the geno for anything else. When the dragon unlocks magic on its import, the original design should still be apparent through the magical additions. What you get is random, so only participate if you are open to any possibilities.

Can I Sell, Trade, or Gift my Secret Santa egg?

No. If you choose not to use it, it will simply go unused.

Can I Sell, Trade, or Gift my dragon after it’s uploaded?

Once the dragon is uploaded, you may sell or transfer it like normal. There is a one month cooldown on ownership, so if you upload it on February 2nd, you can sell it on March 2nd.

Will the dragons have lineage?

Yes, they will have lineage assigned upon upload.

Can I enter Multiple Secret Santas in one season?

Yes! Have at it :) 



cosmonstars Avatar

Desired Element (PICK ONE): Wind
Chosen New Trait: Alerion
Theme Request: dragon-shaped parrot
Phobias & Problem Colors: nope
Desired Emissary Slot: Magpyr

2025-01-04 05:07:22 (Edited 2025-01-04 16:52:34)

AnimeFan4Eternity23 Avatar

Desired Element (PICK ONE): Fire
Chosen New Trait: Pick one: Flicker
Theme Request: Pure classic fire dragon, please!
Phobias & Problem Colors: Nothing too eye-bleedingly bright or clashing, please!
Desired Emissary Slot: ED-1223: Whemper (https://www.chronocompass.com/character/ED-1223)

2025-01-03 21:27:49

Skiie-Shard Avatar

Desired Element (PICK ONE): Thunder
Chosen New Trait: Papillon
Theme Request: nimble, grieving, overgrown
Phobias & Problem Colors: eyestrain
Desired Emissary Slot: ED-271: Atlantis

2025-01-03 14:40:43

firedragoran Avatar

Desired Element (PICK ONE): Jungle
Chosen New Trait: Pick one: Afterglow
Theme Request: Watcher of Livestages of Plants
Phobias & Problem Colors: unnaturally colorful/ too neon
Desired Emissary Slot: https://www.chronocompass.com/character/ED-271

2025-01-03 09:39:22

Xaunus Avatar

Desired Element (PICK ONE): Fire
Chosen New Trait: Skyline
Theme Request: Jackalope/Wolpertinger
Phobias & Problem Colors: no bright pink only please
Desired Emissary Slot: Random Metal or fire slot please <3

2025-01-03 01:05:46

Zephyreu-s Avatar

Desired Element (PICK ONE): Ocean
Chosen New Trait: Skyline
Theme Request: Loch Ness Monster/ Nessie Cryptid themed!
Phobias & Problem Colors: No bugs and no yellows please!
Desired Emissary Slot: ED-545: LEVIATHAN

2025-01-02 18:14:58

UnityUniverse Avatar

Desired Element (PICK ONE): Light
Chosen New Trait: Papillon
Theme Request: Creepy but elegant, like wendigos or a skeletal creature
Phobias & Problem Colors: Too much gore
Desired Emissary Slot: Kolie ED-788

2025-01-01 19:12:46

Returu Avatar
Returu Staff Member

Desired Element (PICK ONE): dark
Chosen New Trait: Maze
Theme Request: failed experiment… cute… but failed
Phobias & Problem Colors: N/A
Desired Emissary Slot: Falada 745

2024-12-28 20:01:11

Zincwolf Avatar
Zincwolf Staff Member

Desired Element (PICK ONE): Light
Chosen New Trait: Pick one: Soulmark
Theme Request: Wise old asian tattooist; simple, traditional, ancient
Desired Emissary Slot: ED-1035: OKRA

2024-12-28 18:31:12

Vallendoria Avatar

Desired Element (PICK ONE): Dark
Chosen New Trait: Soulmark
Theme Request: Eldritch Elasmotherium
Phobias & Problem Colors: nothing GO HAM!
Desired Emissary Slot: Light slot

2024-12-28 04:08:19

zaxarie Avatar
zaxarie Staff Member

Desired Element (PICK ONE): Thunder
Chosen New Trait: Flicker
Theme Request: One who ravages dead timelines
Phobias & Problem Colors: Eyestrain combos, spiders.
Desired Emissary Slot: ED-1034 Holly

2024-12-28 03:11:27

Doom Avatar
Doom Staff Member

Desired Element (PICK ONE): Dark
Chosen New Trait: Welding
Theme Request: Eldritch, beast from beyond the stars
Phobias & Problem Colors: bright yellow green without reason
Desired Emissary Slot: Casanunda

2024-12-28 02:37:32 (Edited 2024-12-28 16:17:50)

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