Large Adornments
Category: Equipment
Resale Value: 325
Tailor, Artisan: x1 Scalestain, x2 Leather, x2 Cloth, x1 Glue
• Gives the equipped character an extra base item on activities. This does not apply to prompts that only award currencies.
Dragons equipped with this can wear certain items in their import. The following decorations are restricted to large adornments. You may also use anything found on the list for small adornments. If you do not find your desired decoration on the list, check the rest of the equipment or simply ask the mods.
- Body Armor
- Scarves
- Clothing
- Handbags
- Parasols/Umbrellas
- Canes
- Weapons
- Shoes/Boots
- Sash
- Shawl
- Poncho
- Large Chains