Esurientem Ossuarium
Point of Interest inside Eredia

Landmark: Bones in Stone Walls
Tsotska d’la Mer is riddled with caves and underwater tunnels near the sea. One particular maze stretches deep into the island and became a holy area for the Tsotska. Traditionally, dragons and dragon Riders (including feral Riders) are given a burial in the Esurientem Ossuarium. Being entombed in these natural catacombs is considered a great honor and proof that the dead lived a fulfilling life on the island. Their funeral involves a performance to tie their spirits to the location. This can involve song, dance, musical performances, or a mix of them. This allows their ancestors to always watch over the island, rather than being lost with the Phinae, claimed by the Ere, or stuck wandering about. Because the tunnels are frequently flooded with the tides, skulls are set in the highest chambers.
The area is considered dangerous to people who can’t see spirits. The tide brings in evil spirits and they become trapped in the maze. While the ancestors can prevent them from reaching the surface of the island, the tunnels of the Ossuary are another thing entirely. Alternatively, there are theories that some of the enshrined bear ill will towards the living, and the evil spirits are actually residents. Stories of spirits, ghosts, and monsters surround the area, but the only one to know the reality is the Tsotska-mar. Among other things, knowledge of the Ossuarium is passed down to them when there is a change in power.