
Shéar Rebellion

Category: Affiliation
Species: Rider

When the Abrendese arrived at Shérok, they were welcomed with open arms. Unfortunately, the Abrendese went ahead and assassinated those in power and claimed the world as their own. After the capture of Shérok and dissolution of its original kingdoms, the people of Shérok took things into their own hands. They initially acted as traveling entertainers to recruit people to their rebellious cause. When they were discovered, they became a little more organized and formed a base of operations. Although their location is known to the Abrendese Militia, it is impossible to capture due to its proximity to their own stronghold and the many protections in place to combat physical, technological, biological, and magical forms of control.

Out of all groups, they are the most versatile and have the force of six former kingdoms behind them. The Ringleaders are separated by their specialties. Characters may choose any of the sects to join and occasionally do favors for other sects.

Common Roles

  • Support | These people provide healing of all sorts, maintain barriers where needed, and constantly develop new techniques to keep them ahead of the Abrendese without resorting to unethical research. The only time they run into danger is if they are acting as field medics. They assist in making physical weapons effective against advanced weaponry.
  • Physical Fighters | The strength and prowess of a fighter is highly prized among Shéar, even if it’s considered outdated by the Abrendese and puts them at a serious disadvantage. With the help of their support and technological fighters, they manage to fight on par with the Abrendese and successfully translate their traditions into modern warfare. The role of physical fighter is considered the greatest honor among the Rebellion, since it represents the original spirit of the Shéar kingdoms.
  • Magical Fighters | Their magic is rumored to be a gift from the god of life and death. They are particularly good at sailing, so they serve as the largest marine force in the small Shéar ocean. They practice all forms of magic, with the most powerful among them having dragon allies to assist in magic learning.
  • Technological Fighters | When you’re up against people with lasers and space ships, it’s foolish to rely on swordplay and martial arts. Technological fighters use mechanical weapons, including but not limited to lasers, guns, fighter vehicles, explosives, electronic interruption devices, and similar things. The only type of technology they do not dabble in is hacking. They communicate closely with the Naki Alliance, almost entirely funding them through their commissions, since they are more adept with digital warfare. The technological fighters also assist in making physical weapons effective against more powerful Abrendese weapons.
  • Erasers | Like the magical fighters, they are avid users of magic. Unlike them, they specialize in destructive magics. They aren’t beyond using physical means and biological agents to dispose of their targets. Concealed weapon training is mandatory for them. They get their information from other sects, the Ringleader decides who is the most dangerous from this information, and they are expected to execute their duties without question.
  • Espionage | These people are critical to the defense of the Rebellion. They intercept any and all attacks towards the main force. Unfortunately, they also act the part perfectly, often contributing to the mess. Only the Ringleader and their close associates know the identities of these people. The only way to keep them out of harm’s way is to warn them to avoid certain locations before a Rebellion attack.


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