

Category: Display

Creates bright flecks of color concentrated on one marking. It is a brighter color that takes from the marking itself, the element’s normal color rules, or white. If your dragon has no markings, it will display on minimal markings. Below, the white dots are comet on top of a Collared mark.

Color Rules

Although Comet can vary in opacity, it should be a single color. It will not create a shimmering or twinkling effect.

Layering Rules

Comet is part of the marking it affects. It will be the same layer as this mark. If the mark has multiple layers, you may apply comet to any number of them. Here are three examples of comet affecting the same mark.


Comet will not display outside of its designated marking. They may be small flecks or larger dots. You can see the largest dots below. At minimum, two flecks of comet should be visible on a mark. The speckles should only be random or make natural patterns.


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where the mark it's attached to touches.


  • Fawn Spots - The dots of Comet can create shapes within the mark as if they were Fawn Spots. If this effect is used, then regular Fawn Spots are optional.
  • Vibrancy - Vibrancy may add a second color of spots.

Charged Comet

Charged Comet may affect up to three markings. It may also be any color.

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