

Category: Display

Creates a large marking with a solid, soft, or textured edge. It will never have a fully blended edge. The inside has two colors–in any pattern–with soft blending. These can be any colors except black or white. You may add dots within of the corresponding colors, but these dots should not be white, shimmer, or resemble stars. It may cover 75% of the dragon. You may layer this as you please, or you may use it like a Top Layer Marking.

Here is the minimum and maximum coverage for Nebula, as well as examples for the inner coloring:

Texture and Shape Rules

It may have a solid, soft, or textured edge. It will never have a fully blended edge. It will create random shapes and not be overly spotted on the edge. Here are some examples of what NOT to do. The left has a single color, has too much spotting on the wing area, and has inorganic shapes on the neck region. The right has large holes, striped shaping, white sparkles, and too many colors.



Color Rules

The inside has two colors–in any pattern–with soft blending. These can be any colors except black or white. You may add dots within of the corresponding colors, but these dots should not be white, shimmer, or resemble stars.The two colors will not be a gradient; Instead, they will form soft clouds within the marking. Note that the edges should still be hard. If you choose similar colors (such as the right example above), they should still be different enough that the cloud pattern is easily visible.

Layering Rules

You may choose whether this is a Top Layer Marking or a marking with regular layering.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.

Charged Nebula

Charged nebula can cover the whole body. It may have any number of colors, as long as it’s more than one. It may have sharp shapes and white stars on the inside, as long as it resembles an actual nebula.


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