

Category: Display

Papillon creates the markings of veined insect wings. The veins will center around a spot and create a 'ring' like a wing would. Below, the veins resemble a butterfly wing. The mark may have white dots on top of the veins and vein-colored dots inside of the wing.


Shape Rules

The shape can resemble any insect wing. It does not need to be located on the wings, but the mark should be symmetrical. You may have any number of wings.


Color Rules

This mark may be any color, even ones outside of the elemental color palette. In addition, the veins may have white dots on top of them, similar to the white dots on monarch butterflies. Finally, vein-colored dots may be 'inside' of the Papillon wing shapes. The inside of the wing may have one to two colors. They may color individually, create a gradient, or a mix of both. The inside of the wings will not have solid shapes other than the main Papillon and vein-colored dots.


Layering Rules

Papillon follows regular layering rules.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

  • It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.
  • Papillon and Glass - When both of these traits are present, the wings may be different colors even without being Charged.

Charged Papillon

Charged Papillon may use any number of colors for the base wings. Each wing is still limited to a gradient of two colors.



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