

Category: Display

Sooty creates a dark or black mark that has holes on the edge. It may use any color in the dark dragon palette as long as it appears to be the darkest marking on the dragon. They can be smooth or they can resemble the Sooty texture of real-world horses. Here is a brush set if you can’t quite pin down that textured edge: Dapple brush .

Color Rules

It may use any color in the dark dragon palette as long as it appears to be the darkest marking on the dragon.

Layering Rules

Sooty follows regular layering rules.


Sooty will cover between 25-75% of the dragon. It should have interior holes that get more numerous as they reach the edge of the mark. These may be soft, hard, or textured. Having holes at the very center of the mark is optional. Here’s a video that shows different methods of making the sooty edge.


Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches.


  • Dust - If Sooty covers the maximum amount of space (and vice versa), then showing the other mark is optional.

Charged Sooty

Charged Sooty may be lighter or white, rather than darker.

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