

Category: Modifier

This is a color modifier that allows you to pick any hue for any traits as well as the base color. The trait must be able to be affected by modifiers. For traits with two parts like Panda, Dart Frog, and Rosette, the colors must still be distinguishable. Dazzle will not add new gradients to the markings . Dazzle does not effect the following traits: Vampire, Origin, Fairy, Wild, Shark, Dancer, Zebra, Appaloosa, Dust, Tobiano, Pollen, and any color mutations.

Color Rules

It does not follow elemental color rules. The color will not add a gradient to the marking.

Modifier, Claw, Leather, and Crest Rules

If a modifier can be affected by color mods, then you may use Dazzle on them. You can also use Dazzle on wings, minimum markings, claws, hooves, crests, and so on. It will not overwrite mutations.

Charged Dazzle

Charged Dazzle allows you to affect all display traits, including ones which normally can’t be changed by color modifiers.


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