Amphibious Snout
Default to: Jungle, Ocean
These snouts must reference living, real-world species, though lenience is allowed for simplified styles. Snouts that resemble fully matured amphibians! This typically means frogs, but salamander snouts are also quite common! Only reference living species of amphibians. Please note that horns, ears, fur, barbels, and other protruding traits are excluded when looking at real-world species (unless otherwise stated)! When referring to species, you can’t combine multiple species. When looking for inspiration, only look at species with eyes (unless your dragon has the true sight ability).
Can I have slitted eyes?
Yes! Eye pupils are not tied to snout types. They just need to be natural for any living animal.
Can my dragon have fangs or tusks?
Fangs and tusks should not protrude the distance of the lower jaw (and definitely not hang out) without the Fanged mutation unless otherwise noted. Tiny little nibble fangs are fine. All dragons, regardless of snout type, may have carnivorous-looking teeth.