

Category: Modifier

Allows the dragon’s limbs, wings, and sometimes tail or neck to float separately from the body via magic or magnetism. The separations may show the insides of the body, use artificial caps, or close naturally. These limbs cannot attach to the body, though they are fully functional. Only one ‘split’ per limb is allowed.

Color Rules

The insides of the dragon must appear similar to actual animals, if you choose to draw them. Elemental effects such as fire or lightning inside of the body can be added once the dragon has mastered the corresponding magic. Artificial caps may be any color.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. No traits can affect Disassembly.

Charged Disassembly

Charged Disassembly allows the dragon’s limbs to be disassembled more than once in any location, as well as the body itself to be split.

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