
Dorsal Fin

Category: Modifier

Adds a dorsal fin to the back of your dragon. It can imitate the fin of a shark, whale, dolphin, or fish. It will be one continuous fin with a visible peak, rather than a line of spines.

Color Rules

The main portion of the fin will be the same color as the body. If the fin has webbing, then the webbing may be any color within elemental rules and display a gradient.

Modifier & Physical Trait Interactions

This does not affect the colors of Physical Traits. You may use Modifier traits to change the traits of webbed fins (in example: using transparent skin or translucence to make it clear). Display traits may extend to the dorsal fin.

Charged Dorsal Fin

Charged Dorsal Fin allows your dragon to have two dorsal fins. They will still have clear peaks and not resemble spines. The two fins will not be connected by webbing.

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