

Category: Display

A marking inspired by real-world vitiligo. It creates small white dots that can also gather in one place.


Color Rules

Hailstorm will always be white or off-white. Some spots as well as the halo may be a slightly lower opacity. They may be slightly transparent. You may include a halo of lighter opacity around it, which may have holes and spots of its own. This halo will be close to the main marking.

Layering Rules

Hailstorm is a Pigment trait and goes on top of most markings.



If it clumps together, it should be textured so that it’s recognizable as a collection of smaller white spots. Although they can clump together, they cannot create patterns.

Effect on Modifiers & Physical Traits

It may affect modifiers, skin, nails, ears, and similar things where it touches. It can also appear on modifiers that are not touching the marking.

Charged Hailstorm

May include large white spots or use entirely large spots.


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